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Our Approach

A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.


Barcoding’s #SupplyChainGeeks draw on decades of experience across manufacturing, distribution, retail, and transportation & logistics.

Our experts partner closely with customers and technology partners, taking a brand-agnostic, Process-People-Technology approach tailored to your industry’s complex landscape.

Our Partner Network

Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


3840 Bank Street
Baltimore, MD 21224

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No matter your starting point, Barcoding’s experts can help you get there. If any of these problems sound familiar to you, don’t wait to reach out. It’s easy to request a consultation online—or call us at 1.888.412.SCAN (7226).


Modernized Manufacturing Ops

Manufacturers across North America continue to face headwinds: economic uncertainty and increasing costs; persistent and new supply chain disruptions; recruiting, retention, and upskilling challenges amid an ongoing labor shortage, sustainability concerns, and much more.

Fast-moving advancements in manufacturing technologies make it even more critical to modernize—or risk being left behind. But as our #SupplyChainGeeks know, you need a roadmap to manufacturing resiliency that’s as unique as your business.


deserves a holistic approach

Complex processes and supply chains, increasing demands from customers, and a competitive talent pool can put a strain on operations today—making it even more difficult to navigate the way to future-readiness. Modernization can help you face all these challenges with confidence, but you need a plan. 

Ditch archaic processes: no more pen-and-paper, clipboard, or collections of spreadsheets.

Old data management methods are an inventory management disaster waiting to happen. They introduce too many opportunities for errors, omissions, transpositions, etc. Better visibility, accuracy, and operational excellence begin with better data capture and management. 

One simple, go-to solution is to implement a barcode system and mobile scanning devices. Get our free beginner’s guide to enterprise mobility to see what’s involved.

Plus, find out how Barcoding’s PreLive Services™, GoLive Services™, StayLive Services™ help you choose the best technologies, streamline implementations and device deployments, and minimize downtime.

Missing and inaccurate inventory and asset data costs manufacturers more than money.

We see the struggle. Incomplete or inaccurate data on materials and consumables inventories, assets and tools, and even the whereabouts of deliveries last seen at receiving can hold up production, misinform decision-makers, and lead to waste and operational inefficiencies.

Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) technologies make it possible to instantly identify, collect, track, store, control, and share critical information about fixed assets, mobile IT assets, shared tools and devices, raw materials, parts, inventory in stock, consumables like labels and printers, and more. From inbound to outbound.

The right combination of hardware and software solutions integrating RFID can help you:

RELATED: How Has RFID Impacted the Supply Chain? Get your free guide to find out!


Starts With Visibility


Need more reasons to invest in an asset tracking app? IntelliTrack® VeriMy streamlines and simplifies shared mobile device check-out and check-in, to eliminate mobile device mysteries. See how it works.

The worker shortage is real. Now’s the time to get out ahead of it.

There are industries experiencing higher levels of churn than manufacturing, but that’s little consolation when you’re facing limitations due to lack of workers. Yes, automation can help by taking on the tedious and repetitive tasks so your human workers can focus on adding value — but that’s not the only way modernization can help you address the worker shortage.

Material handling automation technologies like AGVs and AMRs can help mitigate safety risks and reduce the need for workers to carry heavy and awkward loads.

Here’s how to start identifying automation use cases in your operations.

AGVs can also help you limit the use of fork trucks, which are involved in thousands of worker injuries every year.

Your use of automation technologies is one way to set your production floor apart from the competition and improve worker recruiting and retention — and so are mobile user interface optimization and hands-free end-user enablement technologies. Hands-free mobile data capture supports optimal productivity, and can even streamline onboarding and training.


You can’t always prevent supply chain disruptions — but you can mitigate risk and minimize impacts.

RAIN RFID and complementary technologies enable automated data capture. By minimizing manual data entry, you minimize human error. By automating data collection at more points of capture, you improve the robustness of your data, improving real-time visibility, awareness, and your ability to forecast and react to changes in supply and demand.

Implementing GS1 data standards improves identifying, capturing, and sharing  information between supply chain partners — and Barcoding, Inc., is a GS1 US Silver Solution Partner.  Furthermore, Barcoding Inc is also a Certified Identification Partner acting on behalf of GS1 to enable Barcoding customers to adopt their GS1 identifiers such as a company prefix.


a one-size-fits-all solution!

Our #SupplyChainGeeks bring more than solutions to the table. We bring decades of experience and a commitment to transform your challenges into growth opportunities. Don’t let the pace of change intimidate you. Embrace the transformation with a trusted partner at your side. Request a consultation today.