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Our Approach

A Barcoding solution is never just a piece of hardware: This is the heart of Barcoding’s Process, People, Technology (PPT) philosophy.

First, we work to understand our clients’ businesses—their workflows, people, cultures, and goals—and then we discuss the types of technology available to fit their needs.


Barcoding’s #SupplyChainGeeks draw on decades of experience across manufacturing, distribution, retail, and transportation & logistics.

Our experts partner closely with customers and technology partners, taking a brand-agnostic, Process-People-Technology approach tailored to your industry’s complex landscape.

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Our Partner Network

Barcoding, Inc. is a premier partner with the best manufacturers and software providers in the automated data capture, mobility, and supply chain spaces. Because of our strong relationships, our clients have access to high-level resources at our partners’ organizations—from the executive teams to sales, engineers, and support.


3840 Bank Street
Baltimore, MD 21224

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Device Financing


Maximize Your Cash Flow

The Need for As-A-Service
OnePay™ Program

Our financing program, OnePay, will enable you to finance your full solution with us including hardware, software, accessories, support, and service desk services for the life of the system.

OnePay also includes our GoLive Services™ for out-of-the-box deployments, StayLive Services™ for maximum uptime, as well as our BOS™ platform.

Most companies are used to dealing with “hockey stick” spends when it comes to upgrading mobile technology. These large spending spikes are tough to budget and don’t match the speed of today’s technological advancements. 

Part of the pain of the hockey stick is the time it takes to prepare business cases, ROI, and justification for the large capital spend.  This cycle requires multiple resources, multiple iterations of decks, modeling, presentations, etc. 

By choosing to finance your full solution with us, your company can be better prepared and flexible for the future, plus save time (arguably the most valuable resource of all).



With over 20 years of experience, Barcoding has built an ecosystem of products and services to support our customers and help them be more efficient, accurate, and connected. We're here for you—contact us to discuss your project today!
