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Improving Mobile Field Operations Using Mobile Devices

Written by Noel McKeon

June 2023 | 5 min read
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A mobile device program and digital forms keep field workers safe, informed, productive, and on schedule.

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CDWR’s goal is to go from 15% to 85% proactive maintenance - and now with their mobile data collection and workflow process in place, they are on their way to achieving it.
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Designed by Barcoding and partners to be a future-forward solution, the powerful combination of SAP Asset Manager, Mirata digital forms, and Zebra tablets has been a real game-changer for the organization, leading to:

  • Reduced operating and labor costs, and improved productivity. Digital forms significantly reduce the time it takes field workers to close work orders:
    • Forms can now be quickly and accurately populated, and the data uploaded in real time to a centralized server/database.
    • Even complex forms can be easily created and edited using drag-and-drop functionality and WYSIWYG formatting.
    • Workers can get back to focusing on the jobs they were hired to do - vital in a space of aging infrastructure and maintenance needs.
    • Because of mobile tablets, cad drawings, maintenance manuals, and more are now at the engineers and tech’s fingertips right when they need them.
    • Employees can also now put in their own time against the right order/ right operation, a huge gain for CDWR.
  • Improved efficiency of workflows. The Mirata digital form solution combined with SAP Asset Manager eliminated steps from CDWR’s original workflow, and streamlined document review, routing, and approvals.
  • Enhanced worker safety. Field techs are exposed to less risk because the solution enabled mobile switching utilizing SAP Work Clearance Management (Lockout-Tagout) WCM operational switching using Mirata forms allows workers to use the tablets to scan a barcoded tag which checks switch point accuracy before physically changing operational configuration of equipment.

It’s important to note that without worker buy-in and training, no solution will solve the issues for which it was intended. In this case, the transformation from pen-and-paper to digital data entry has been eagerly embraced by CDWR’s field workers, who are familiar with (and prefer) the technology and devices, value the ease of use, and appreciate the access to useful information that makes their jobs easier (and safer) to complete.

CDWR’s goal is to go from 15% to 85% proactive maintenance - and now with their mobile data collection and workflow process in place, they are on their way to achieving it.

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