Last month at MODEX 2020, Peter Zalinski sat down with Kevin Lawton of the New Warehouse Podcast. They discussed all things Barcoding Inc., supply chain, and more!
More Than Just A Barcode
Barcoding, Inc. is all about taking barcodes to the next level with end-to-end solutions.
“Our whole goal is to find out what the customer’s experience is as far as people, process, and technology, and then help them improve that, whether it’s through a stepwise change, a continuous improvement process, or something a bit more transformative,” said Zalinski.
The UPC code was invented in 1973, and yet one third of all warehouses with inventory aren’t being tracked with a warehouse management system. This means businesses are missing out on key opportunities to improve and become more efficient, accurate, and connected.
Improving Your Supply Chain, One Step At A Time
Zalinski explained that when working with a client to assess their needs, he asks two questions:
1) Who are your customers and suppliers?
2) How do you bridge that gap through your supply chain?
An efficient, modernized supply chain allows you to be more connected with both supplier and customer.
Adequate tracking solutions can “transform the idea of what you’re doing,” said Zalinski. If each of your employees is able to identify the location of each product as it flows through your supply chain, countless hours can be saved—all with the help of just one barcode or label.
Another common obstacle that Zalinski and Lawson discussed is outdated warehouse management systems (WMS). Often, businesses will have some form of tracking in place, but it lacks efficiency and/or reliability. Don’t fall into the trap of “how it’s always been done!” Warehouse management solutions that allow for multi-dimensional data are a great tool. Make use of auto-identifiers so that you can scan once to gain all associated data and stay on top of GS1 standards.
Though there are inevitable up-front costs of investing in new technology, small improvements now will make a big difference down the line and improve your ROI in both receiving and fulfillment.
Watch the video below to see the live recording of the podcast and learn more about how GS1 standards can improve overall efficiency:
About Peter
Peter Zalinski is a supply chain architect at Barcoding, Inc. with over 20 years of experience in AIDC and supply chain logistics. He was most recently named “Rockstar of the Supply Chain” by Food Logistics magazine.
About Modex
MODEX is an annual conference that brings together businesses, experts and supply chain enthusiasts alike to share what’s new and exciting in the industry. This year, Barcoding #SupplyChainGeeks shared insight from our booth and Zalinski presented a session entitled, “Labels and Data: How to Achieve B2B Supply Chain Excellence.”
About Barcoding
Barcoding, Inc. can help you find areas for improvement so that you can make the most out of your systems. Upgrading your system can help you manage your operations and stay ahead! Contact us to find out how we can work together. Let’s create a supply chain that is more efficient, accurate, and connected with innovative technology solutions, together.
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